Jewel's podcasts will GROW your mind!
Personal development, emotional wellness, and spiritual enrichment to grow your mind.
Jewel's podcasts will GROW your mind!
The Sunday Well - How to cope with 3 types of stress
Jewel Diamond Taylor aka The Self-esteem Dr.
Time: Oct 6, 2024 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Sunday
Listen and/or watch Sunday Well Zoom Meeting
you can choose to be off camera and just listen if you wish.
This one-hour of prayer and message of faith is especially helpful for those with transportation issues to get to church, have no church home, not feeling well, isolated caregivers, or simply enjoy receiving new uplifting perspectives to decrease fear and stress and increase faith, peace, and understanding.
Meeting ID: 834 2244 7384
Passcode: Faith
Feel free to share this with men and women in your life